Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax is a natural substance produced by the glands in the ear canal. It lubricates and protects the ear against bacteria, dust, debris, and foreign bodies. Additionally, the amount of ear wax produced varies from person to person and will usually fall out by itself and does not cause any problems. Excess build-up of ear wax leads to the following symptoms listed below. When this happens, professional ear wax removal with Direct Ear Care is the best way to get it treated.

How do I know if I have a build-up of excess ear wax?

  • Hearing Loss

  • Sensation of fullness

  • Ear Ache

  • Tinnitus (A noise in the ear)

  • Dizziness

  • Itchiness in the ear

What causes ear wax build up ?

The amount of ear wax produced varies from person to person. Too much ear wax build-up is due to a disruption of the self-cleaning mechanism of the ear canal. This can be due to the following reasons: 

  • The use of cotton buds or other objects to remove ear wax causes more harm than good, as it can push the ear wax deeper and create a blockage.

  • Hearing aid wearers and frequent use of earphones or earplugs prevent the ear wax from naturally coming out of the ear.  

  • More common in the elderly as ear wax becomes dry and hard as we age. 

  • Narrow or abnormal-shaped ear canals. 

  • Lots of hair in the ear canal.  

  • Exposure to water  

Ear Wax removal treatments

Professional Ear Wax Removal

At Direct Ear Care, our professionals use the safest and effective treatment to remove excess ear wax.

Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Microsuction is the most common and safest procedure to remove ear wax. It involves using a low-pressure suction medical machine with a fine tube attached, to remove the ear wax.

Ear Irrigation

Ear irrigation replaces the old-fashioned technique of ear syringing as it is more effective and safer to perform. Temperature-measured water is carefully sprayed into the ear to remove the ear wax.